12 NOVEMBER 1921, Page 3

A resolution expressing warm approval of the Washington Conference was

adopted, on the motion of Mr. Clynes, by the House of Commons on Friday, November 4th, after a debate in which all the speakers were in substantial agreement. Mr. Chamberlain declared that the Government's policy was to seek peace and ensue it. The Prime Minister, he said, still hoped to go to Washington before long, for it was of vital importance to the world that the Conference should be successful.. Lord Robert Cecil reminded the House that the Assembly of the League of Nation had applauded Mr. Harding's action in summoning the Conference. He expressed the hope that the delegates would not try to -do too much. Ile instanced the Arms Traffic Convention of St. Germain--still unratified by America—as a measure which might restrict the sale of arms to semi-civilized peoples and thus avert wars.