12 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 10


ON!! of Mt.:.er.f.ssolte's Hymns, ss Lich is to 1,e performed at the 11;1.- 11 OILI11 l'estival, was rehearsed nit Fiieay at the Halms-et; Square 10,,,ms. opplied fbr edmittance, and were told that no hearers v. a.: roe illation of Xi hid, the propriety e ill not be qtmes' Curt ii 1.y us, At 110 always tolvoccItql the rehear:MID, ill Older to render tlif•ni what they ought to be. ffil:or.ing morning.

a vi..ry (awl e doubt not, :I.; Kir as 7:k11-.Nor.i.ssof eon- eert,' jle Ill ice of the piece relic:irs«1 an (idol lit the, 11101llin9 , the Birminghnie peraeritplis ustially do, with a 11..itrish ai,i,tu t " the ;.trt.at °Evan.' Chlr rI-silu i':v still (haw vt hatever 0:..ion they pleme• from the l'aels. We ulielcrstand that. the compo-

shion was co/elected Ity Nr. MosteilMefe