12 SEPTEMBER 1840, page 16
Dr. Palfrey's Lectures On Tiie Jewisii Scripture S.
Tins (second) volume has reached us from America. Its author, a Doctor of Laws and of Divinity, appears to be a teacher in some American University, anti the work befbre us to......
Lon Don Ii()uses, A Nci En T And )1(11)f.iin.
IN our InA imtIimmhiii litil 0111. wi glaneeit at tilt' 0111 ‘1arli Itipearance of London houses, with a \ it'W lilt lm,mm ititi OreS , 1110 tin." Pursuit"' the subject, it may......
Spectator's Library.
TnEOL00Y, Academical Lectures en the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities. By John Gorham 'Wavy, D.D., LL .D. Vol. II. Genesis and the Prophets. TOrooRA y. alunrOr had CO........