12 SEPTEMBER 1840, page 15

Sir Powell Buxton's Niger Expedition: Its Real Character...

.AT the time of Mr. Buvrox s great " fancy held in Exeter Hall under the auspices of Prince Amuntr. we noticed, that not- withstanding the long harangoes with which the vote of'......

Railway Dangers.

THE resent calamitous accidents en railways have directed at- tention to the means best adapted for security by railway con- veyance. Discussions are now going on, and numerous......

Lon Don Ii()uses, A Nci En T And )1(11)f.iin.

IN our InA imtIimmhiii litil 0111. wi glaneeit at tilt' 0111 ‘1arli Itipearance of London houses, with a \ it'W lilt lm,mm ititi OreS , 1110 tin." Pursuit"' the subject, it may......