12 SEPTEMBER 1840, page 8

We Have Received Papers From Australasia To The Beginning Of

May, the latest being the Sydney Australian of the 2d. The most startling intelligence they bring is the news of a hurricane which has devastated Port Essington. A correspondent......

- The Overland Mail From India Has Arrived, Bringing...

from Bombay to the 23d of July, from Calcutta to the loth of July, from Singapore to the 11th of June, and from Macao to the 15th of May ; but a date four days later from "......

1 - R West Indian Seers 'which We Have Received This

week , nnee• • 1,• ta metes • Seer. se s; , co% • o see 1. V.I.Atrusid it to is • e 1 .en•my nor so mmerastine in its contents as usual. The Len e. r, :•• mite,tig , ,ther......

Lisbon Has . ,

of the •2S111 A , 1 the t.: Li sbon , , .) c ., stationed at C . Lietttenant-C ,, ' c ' ,ffl. cavalry and did not interfere. Tlie tle;,, , .1 1 proceeded to •\ lir:tries. in he;......

Letters From Port Nicholson, Dated The 21st April,...

yesterday. The Company's emigrant-ship Bolton, containing among other passengers the Magistrate Mr. Butler, and the clergyman Mr. Churton, arrived on the previous day. The......

The Morning Chronicle Of' Thursday Says, That Although No...

intelligence on Mr. Simpson's suicide has been received at the Hudson's Bey liouse in London, no doubt is entertained of the main facts; only the statement that Mr. Simpson and......