12 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 8

- The overland mail from India has arrived, bringing intelligence

from Bombay to the 23d of July, from Calcutta to the loth of July, from Singapore to the 11th of June, and from Macao to the 15th of May ; but a date four days later from " China" is mentioned, probably litom the waters of Canton.

The blow on the Celestial Empire was still impending, not struck. The first part of the expedition against China sailed from Singapore on the 30th of May, the remainder on the 2d of June. The Melville, -which left the Care of Good Hopa at the end of April, with Admiral Elliot on board, was spoken with off Angier, on the 10th of June ; and the Bombay Times of July 23d, concludes that the Admiral must have arrived in China by the date of that paper, and that the fleet would have arrived about the same time.

A Calcutta paper says, " It has been very generally surmised that the preliminary operatio!1 of the expedition will be to batter down the Bogue forts; and we believe there is ;to doubt that such are the instruc- tions of Sir Bremer Gordon. But we understand the campaign is to be opened by also taking possession of Macao at the same time, 're pre- sume under some arrangements effected at home between the British and Portuguese Governments."

The English merchants remained unmolested at Macao. The Ame-

ricans were . ::!:7!;r7 great pie earen .ss to expedite their removal from Canton :

and to nm.d. end thy.- reeeested Lia to remove some hindrances to the loading of v, ml -'e of search for English goods,

pleading the threamsesn l•nente 1.: by the English. In his reply the High Commissioner treats the me; ort of a blockade as " an audacious falsehood and egregious mistake :" a-el he tells those who allude to it, to " Try and reflect that these ports are time Celestial Dynasty's ports and harnours." There are rumours of an intended expulsion of all foreigners from Canton. It is cseti nanny asserted that an Imperial edict, addressed to Lin, lies teen received, in which the Imperial dis- pleasure about some of his acts. lemown to him. The Taou-tae, or Admiral, is sail to have a share in this reprimand ; ollich probably is on account of the affair cf the I) ague, and the false reports forwarded to Pekin regarding it. Liu is said to hive been degrade :1 three degrees in rank.

The intelineence norm Northern India is net altogether satisfactory.

All was (raiet in liseet down to the e i of June. The Delhi Gautte of July :•th says, that asesounts ef the hen of' the Russians, if not their retrogrene movement from Inhiva. continued to be confirmed by letters from setrieus quarters; but no date is siren for this news in the papers before-us. Tee Gin:sees were .S7::1 in revolt. In Nepanl the Teppels had. rebelled eel seland the capital, in revenge, it is supposed, for the murder of their chief'. The D,lhi Gazette ‘,t June 17th says, that " all Afghanistan is in an uproar," owing to nhah fisanah's unpopularity. The withdrawal of the 1tisL ar—y tired as premature.

Tiers were very definite character, that Ran-

geon , ; but 'there is no doubt

d A merapoora.

ens an se a :soil:ere. had left Bombay for

of an emotes- r Five eon:peen: Aden.