The Morning Chronicle of' Thursday says, that although no official
intelligence on Mr. Simpson's suicide has been received at the Hudson's Bey liouse in London, no doubt is entertained of the main facts; only the statement that Mr. Simpson and Mr. Demise were running a race for preferinent is declared to he altogether iv ithout foundation : Mr. Deese had always nek now hedged the other's suesrior merits; and he was at the tine: on his way, not to England, but to join his thirdly in Canada. Mr. nnalpson s insanity is tan-named to a less petty and unworthy catise.
"Sir Simpom, it is well known, had been for the last four years at holy snes•e•1 in the preseeution of those milSCOVCrie:i which have immortalised I It: ttlIOWCII hillISelf HO relaxation, summer or winter, from the 1, cr.,sanV In the accomplishment it`, I he great ohject of bis ambition. ill•,covery (1.1 ti, North-west liasage atemrlied hill lc hide SIMI. Ho tant it is be en this enterprise, that he actually inadu a tender of his life :old his to the I ludson's lkiy Company iti °tatty to complete the survey
of Felix, mid tile great hay 01 i.lands stretching eastward to the
of the Fury S11011111 there be any demur int to the i,xpittise and o v if the undvrtakii.g. ridiatimately for him lie kiwi slot that in- st risen io.t.n had been imiit mit impointitig him to the cominaiiil of the expedi. tion which hk :admit imagination had' invested with. SO much interest. In oi this appointment, Rod fearful of Imitig :mother season, he was on is en: to Los:lane fir the porpme of laying his platis personally before the r I o - , pr.-miring IVOR to IthilitraCt: his virus, Wilt II ilk l'ettS0n. 111:1' 110: s,m7ii,:-Ilent, oimmioned by the imxitdies of his podtion, and the ;! 1,04ttie mold w:tilt, mac rest to cc lush le: hall exposed himself during the
part of the journey which hail Iminsi accomplished. * * * *
" Mr. was aliout tbirty-two year i of ago, and went to II iiiison'n Bay in leae, lit wa.i a nativi: of Iblvvall, iii 'toss mhire, and had received a libe- ral edo,:iition, having beim iotidid..d for the Ciliiirch. ‘Vbile pro,,coting 111H IltWilth ing'n College, Aberdeen, lie greatly distinguinlied himself, both by the regulasity of rooduct skint him altaitintentv in the varions branches of literature loud eciesice to which his studies were directed. No itian could be bet- ter prepared lor Iii,, ardiloily (11111,1 Witlell linvtulv,n 11110111411115CIIVtler ii liii Arctic copious, and vci j, few possessed the natural qualifications fur hitch purhuitsiU an equal degree. His constitution was robust, and his activity extreme. No obstacles could daunt his courage, or subdue his energy and perseverance. To these qualities were added an amiable and obliging disposition, which made him a general favourite, and that generous love of fame which usually accompanies superior talents. He had been promoted to the rank of chief trader by the Hudson's Bay Company, and would, had he lived, have risen to the highest distinction which they can bestow, as they entertained the strongest sense of the many valuable qualities which he possessed."