On titc 2.1 inst., in Grosvenor Crescent, the Countess of Cr.:Am:semi. of n daughter. Oa the 5th lust., in Ilalr Moon Street, the Lady ANNA MARIA TorrEmActta, of it daughter. thi the 3d inst., at the Rectory, West Tytherly, the Ludy CATnaltist: IlAmosayros, of Q 0 the 8th inst., nt the Provost's Lodge, Eton College. the MAI. Mrs. Iliniasurt, of a dausliter.
On the till inst., at Stokeley, the I.atly of I,. J. TORIC1XOTON, ES+, Or II son and heir. 0.1 not Olt inst., at Seat borough, Yorkshire. the I,udy ur G. W. FsAutsmaroNuAttott, Esq., Inc INIo;esty's Commissimwr for the North American Boundary, tiro salt.
On the 17th ult., at the 13ritish Legatiku, in Tuscany. the Hon. IIENRY ALEXANDER SAN HAI, second sun or the Eall of Mexhoromli, methiey Yodimlito, to cArtwatt,E. third daughter of the late Klugatitill l'ennenither, el New Park, in the county of 'riNicrary. Oa the 9[11 inst., at St. 311111eleS Sir Jon e BAT. REM. Earl., to TIARIA Lio•is 4, oil)- daughter of Richard Eaton. Esq., of Stetehot rill Park, Newmm-ket. 0.i the 2i1 inst., at Whileliurell, near Tavi.toek, 55111 Light Inlitntry, to El.t/Antrit AsisA, only tlatt0Aer .1..1. EFfi., kr 1'4 Month. On the 8:11 lost.. mit st. George's, II:louver Square, Capknin Tumucrox, 11.N., son ot the bile Samuel Thornton, K. q., formerly M.P. tor Sorry, tit Eat ii.v Err/Amin, ehlest daughter or the late Rev. John elorgan ltiee. oh Lower Touting, Stilly, and Brighten, anti oiiee in Sir ltalph on the 4.11 inst., t.t the Archdeacon' y Church, Billy, C. may Antrim, Ireland CitAtirr, Esq., al Maidslime, Ilaalkil•T DE SAMS. elileSt daughter
of the Vent-rid, ye Crcery. ArchtleMon of C tutor.
Out the 10th at St. John's, I'addingtk it W. 1'. CHUVOIITON, nag., of Gesell:Ion Muse. Kent, to MAur, only daughter of dm late Rola:et l'eel. Esq., ul Aectiugne House, Laticashile.
On the 9th it st.. at Beckenham Church, Wir.reest NVELL1a0e0a COOPER, Esq., . eI Chancery lane, Barrister-at-Law, ID CA1I11.E1NE KING, dattglitt ul the unto Ito*. James John 'ha " man, ii A.
011 the loth at Pits•colarm, RiettAun Ice, second sou of Oath] Levan, Esq., of Belmont. 11.•rt:;., to IsAart LA, eldvA donliter Al' the Rev. Lot out- 1-1.taihe Smith, Ret•tor ot vtlianiptonshile. At K. glut D. Hann' ',Hie, the Rev. J. R. Coors:. Buclinell Vicinage, Salop, Is FRANCLS,,eetilld Ld1111111111/ Dell or Thomas Esti:mut Clesswell, Esq., of Pinckney Pail:. Wilts.
tia• ii II just., at Si, l'eter's TIIONUT,
to K.ernms•sc lwAnv, ot,,f ,fale,liter 01 the .1• Gumt iiy.
on the at Si, Get rg7.'s, Hanover Squaro, the Itcv. CllAIII.F8 MAXWELL, Rector of W■ddial, Herts. to ANNIE eldest dal:4;111er Ur Ille Rev. George
Mason, it Sat.t•on, in the same county.
0:: Ol Wal %tick S• rev! Chapel, Iluort l'owt n, Esq., of Carrig Castle, lit the e. Ay ul to NANA, tlauglitt•r of Charles :IN:artily, Esq., lal. at
r:1;•.: lloo•e, in the county Tilopeniry.
0. lhe GIli it Exeter. the Bev. E. C. thild n or the Bishop of Ext•ter, ill TeL,I1111014. to GEilllOIANA 1.11:1X. root h ilatighter cut the late Rev. R. F. 11.trus•.•.x, las ti.r ii It.ehards Castle, lIcretanitAite, and ;:r..taltlatighter of l'ranicel, formerly Billop cit Sc. esaire
On the 10:11111st., it his tea:clot:co t Stret•t, KERR, iu Id- 6,11t )ear t the inst.. IIENCY O. Cmtv, Esq., of l'orre ey, Dernty-Lientenant and for 'le, DevOlt, lu Is, ::9til year. Od is :all !..I.veria•,,, FANNY SOP/IIA, Ihuhiul Ili1111lter Or Captain Sir Henry IA lin., Eatt., Ol I hi 1,th WV 11..11-e. ltiehl111 ui,1, Surly, n, ber tn, the lvii ot..1., at le ANNK 1/st utow of this 1,,te ILI, Is,: II :111Ii. I.i , of Ilippat Park, ii, Lel' 1•3ati 0ti . 1,t st t,‘ luler a leW Ili in 73•1 o. w, 110011 Poo,.111-.1...1) Sql,are, Lotahn, tie tadol,r, vi 1:, and Canal. : he hail 1,ot, inr a unitil.el of :wars. Mr. 'Alaekatto-it uas burn of S.Ault prents., Ili it •!lli:i•i::...s, •allle,;1110 isa 101/011rer it/ Elika IA al alt early age.