Arrived—At Gravesend, Sept. 5th, Samuel Winter. Robertson, from New Sian Wales; and Ann, M.Alpine, from Van Biemen's Land ; 9th Nairn:huh Kirkus;uk Mauston; stilt ltaiuibuw, 1511111r11111: from the Cape; 9th, litickingbamslure. Moore: 10th, Parklield. Wititesides; and Berkshire, Clarkson, front Bombay. At Deal, 10th, Eliza stotart, Millar, from China; General Palmer, Elliot, limn ltonit ay : and War lit, num Manilla. At Livia pool, 8th, Aden, Ponsunhy, liii Cl, inn ; thu Caledonia, Batcson. flout the Cape. At St. Helena, July 1901. Cumbria, Robertson, man,inds; 2oth. Mora. Blair. from Bombay; and Paragon. Cutk. nom Cc:At n; st, K. S. Forlats. Fell, from New South Wales. Al II: ntbay, pi et ions to 23i July, 'fartar. Euphrates. Ilnekham; and Thetis, Ferrier, trt.ni Loudon ; Cal- CilliA. Gibson. front 1,1teri:0ot t Quentin Leitch, Gray. from the C ILIA West. morel:mil, Emily, tram Newcastle. At Ceylon, previous to 7th July, City of Aber- demi , 111kuiro; Agrip1viiiii, Rodgers; and Tun ore, Ilumm, in in London. At Madras, previous to Will Jul), Moira, Owen ; Claitilille, Brener ; Bengal Packet, Stewart ; Clet pates, Earley; and Stratheden, (Thelma, from Loudon. At Bengal, previous to Put July, Africa. ltaxter ; Brothers, Digliv; I. MLellan, Macdonald; Mons, Gill; St tier; a, Mills; sophia, 51•Noir; nod Ibishemy, lite:hie. front London; Baha- mian. Tizard; J. Itagillaw, Bennington ; Mary Hartley. Webb; Mary Somerville, llookey; M. A. Webb, Loyd; Sauna:, Iluxtable; Tomerlatie, !Mackenzie; Thalia. Gr.thatu ; and Zoe. Ilultnes, from Livet pool; Alfred, Jameson ; Kilblitin, Shaw; and Mary Cottocil, Smith, from flue Clyde. sitiled—rn,In Oral esenth Sept. 1st, She E. Paget, Campbell, for Biiutvay ; SIb, John Lino, Brodie, Mr Madras; and Veroon, Peony, fur Ilettgal, Motu Liverpool, 7th, Rebecca Jane, Valrent, for Madras; and 8,11, Cossiopea, Buffett, tor Bengal.