The market has been in a very agitated state since our last, and its tendency bats been don nwards ; there have been, however, sl.veral violent reactions, and the price has on two occasions risen 1 per cent, from the extreme point of de- pression in a %cry short time. The opening price at Consols tor Account on Monday was zift; 90. lut as sellers predominated during the whole day, the quotations rot:tit:mil to decline, and the closing price wee S81; 89. On Tues- day raornii;:..• :Le in ri. t cpened at 89, and alter consithralle fluctuation closed at 88. On W.,.fltiesd:•y the opening price was 87,1, nod though the account of snout r It:A:bin to the extent of nearly 400,000 was sold, yet as the pigeon- -; , !arge purchasers, and are reported to have bought nearly to the I. the n arket closed firm, at 88e. The opening price yesterday was 581,-, ;•• g there were buyers at 88, at the close of busint ss. The fall i. II Finds in Paris on Wednesday (which by some uncs- plaii:ed •-. • it hi own to the "pigeon fanciers" )esferthiy) produced a regular 1..t aid before the market (loved Consols for Account were off. rt.. _ 1 r cent, below the closing price of list night ; the first price Sve,!. ! the market Speedily rain( d to 8.74; but from that point d• •-7! •r Account and StiT, for Money. and after a re- acticr price is 87;1., fur Money and 87e e for Account.
The Nv , : per Cents., the only other stock now open for More:. ; :,, have declined from 98 to 931, [Led after again touching
964, ;:t 'Al.. Exchequer Bills have bven as low as 8s. premium, but La, ; 12s. premium. We Lave en quotation of India Stock during I Leiv kLut Lank Stock has been done at l6 aid mid 11;i1thr the October Account.
The e, extee. . day, ;a. •
7 per : Ceste. •.: - two - '!
were t : • are t-.• Sr • ii: vt ation it. 21 to 4.
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; I ; t t : X• • r. I r■-i 111 al, 1.4 'II:rink, • . l•I I': , l' th,
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"7. at.... r . L• v •••,„ :I • ; O., LI, 'I' ; (:011•lli.
:.• /••••, • r, (1:,1 !wing. Ii e French Funds in the course of the last few days has been vi non.d ci V.!! or :1 per cent. in one - • 'Coe 'ILI,. 1,r Certs. of Wedt.i.-sUay it ere nearly t day week : the last moat-anal of the Three pAr (^r:y 13 per cent. below the price lit y strod at about same day, the Five per Cer.ts. w, re 105 50 ex. div., ;demi of 108, and the dtclinc in these funds in the :. 11 per tent. The corresi waling decline in the English r. bun shout 5 per vent. ;it al Lt,tais are of course at a great depression, but 1. as Imen Chiefly COl.f'.1,,,d to the Dutch Ti; 6-and-a-
l...Al has lit i told to-d• is low as 4::•!, feing a decline .1, the coots, (.f the t Lls ; the follotting prita.s are, 77 to 79 Danish .710 79 ; Russian Five
11.e itt all at:i.e. Socoritics have I, eel, but 7., a sptulative operation, alid we tamiut Lute any • : • :1,!:.• to Sontlt American Steck, where the prices
; • r without my latsints.
ex ht ricer, d a gnat tail : the Five per Cents. aid have since railitti to 311,0, hut again at.t.litind, aid as 1,, :?"
::t. 'I • it: t:,:to,