12 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 2

The Tourt.

THE Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Millenlohe, paid u visit, on Monday morning, to the Queen Dowager, at Bushy Park. The Royal party returned to Wind- sor Castle at live o'clock. On the other days of the week there has been no change in the usual routine of the amusements—rides in the afternoon and dinner-parties on a small scale in the evening. Among the visiters at die Castle this week, was Lord John Russell, who went to Windsor from London on Saturday, and remained till Tuesday. On Thursday, Prieee Albert went on a shooting excursion to Swinley, attended by Lard John Russell, Mr. G. E. Anson, and Sir E. Bowater.

Her 31ajiy and Albert purpose leaving Windsor Castle for Bud:highest PaLeo at the end of this month. In consequence of this arrangement, an a;del slat number of workmen have been called for to complete the %whet alterations at the Palace.—Globe, Tuesday.

The Queen 1) wager, accompanied by the Dutchess Ida of Saxe Wei- mar, Prince Armen 1 and Prince Frederick, and the Princesses of Saxe Weimar, errived at Marlborough House on Tuesday, from Bushy Park. Her Majesty went to Kensington, accompanied by the Dutchess Ida, and visited the Princess Sophia. The Duke of Cambridge visited her Majesty at Marlborough House. On Wednesday and on Thursday the Queen Dowager again came to Loudon to visit the Princess Augusta.

Her Majs t v ;lie Queen Downger paid another visit to the Princess Augusta s vsti.rilay morning. The Dutchess of Gloucester and the Duke of Cambridge ;deo visited the Princess.

The Duke ef Sassvx came to town on Wednesday afternoon to pay a visit to the Princess Augusta. His Royal Highness remained at

• Clarence Thane, St. James's, half an hour, and left shortly before six o'clock, on his return to Wimbledon Park, the residence of the Duke and Dutchess of Somerset.

The Due. hese of' Kent, attended by Lady Charlotte Dundas, arrived at her residence. Ineeetre House, Belgrave Square, on Saturday after- noon, from Wiiidsor Castle. Her Royal Highness soon after her arrival visited the Princess Augusta, and afterwards went to Kensington. Her Royal Highness left Kensington at half-past three o'clock, on her return to Windsor Castle.

The Court newsman no longer disguises the fact that the Princess Augusta is sinking very fast. The bulletins issued during the week were generally more untlivourable, though her Royal Highness has been able to receive visits from her Royal relatives. The answer to in- quiries at Clarence House yesterday, was-

" The Prioress Augusta has been tranquil and quiet through the night, and her Royal nightie's toetinuee in the same state as yesterday."

Her Royal Highness continued free front pain throughout the after- noon. Miss Wynyard has been in constant attendance on her Royal Highness.