12 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 3

b c robinces.

We have now authority to state that Mr. Ponsonby has no intention to relinquish the representation of this borough, nor ever had.—Derba


A meeting of the Chelmsford and West Essex Protestant Associa- tion, for the purpose of checking and counteracting the progress of Popery in England, was held on Thursday, in the Shire-hall, Chelms- ford,—Lord Rayleigh, the President of the Association, took the chair. A petition to the Legislature, praying that no further grant be made to the Roman Catholic College at Maynooth, was agreed to.

The First Lord of the Admiralty, the Earl of Minto, with Sir William Parker, Sir Charles Adam, Sir William Symonds, tSte., left Plymouth on Friday last for Falmouth, with the intention of afterwards inspecting the dockyard at Pembroke. On Tuesday night, her Majesty's steamer Firebrand arrived at Liver- pool, having on board the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. On Wednesday, their Lordships inspected her Majesty's packet-establish- ment at that port, and also the great Liverpool steam-ship. On Thurs- day morning, they left Liverpool in the Firebrand.

The three port flag-ships, namely, Britannia, 120, Howe, 120, and Royal Adelaide, 120, are rapidly getting ready for sea at Portsmouth, and are only delayed by the want of more hands. The Stromboli steamer, Command Sun er Williams, left Spithead on day, under orders to join ;he fleet in the Mediterranean as soon as possible. She took out for disposal among the ships a detachment of three humired marines, under the orders of Colonel M`Cullum. Although several ships are ready for commission, no orders are yet received to hoist the pendant, nor is it expected until the return of the Admiralty to London.-- Brighton Gazette.

Prince A Ihert's I fussars paraded through the principal streets, on Thursday Iasi, in marching order, fully equipped iu their new clothing, which has a very showy and handsome appear:1m.y. The dresses of the Officers are exceedingly rich. Crowds 1L latitoms ronnwcii th,in an their route; nmid the regiment excited groat ettriosit v. They attended Divine

worship at St. l'eier's Church on Steele'. rnruinna IS we last weak announced that the■ wuuld, in their new elothit":. There is still inuelt uncertainty as to the day when the review will take place. iv thu IS, we hig to OWalarruinrg itlrrns itt tire Princess Augnsta.-- Brighlon Guzcile. The Lireip,,,I s;lvs, in reference to the law-suit respecting

the will of the 1 t 11, Esq.—" Several thousand pounds have, no th•ti:::, been ,.et.p.Iis ii Ihe attempt to convert eccentricity into insanity, anti the .•1.-.. are the only persons who have

no reason to complain. 'flee., !KO r tre pickings. 'lie following fees were paid to the C I•I eeaged hi support of the will : the

Attorney-Gem. . rah :.; :Mr. A leeloel•sr. uineas ; Mr.

Watson, 1,,o ; mei L..,ilipton. I ,,,1 51c4des these there were e.m-e.'mtket :!,1 I 1; fa!es, perhaps, to thirty

guineas .r .• ti'' :.!. 1 :tti:n.t.ts each for the other g • :, .11 The wothi etrt o ts t-r, Is entirely to the 1, means of -. It appears them termiued, v

that the ,n;:tidz y of

• heard and de- The St . s:s receives 1,talnl. a t es 1.000/.

U y co? ntur,.! Id by an increase of charges ti-ent --s.•