We have had two or three days of fine weather,
with every appear- ance of its continuing; and, in consequence, reaping is very general to day (Monday) immediately around u, whilst every rood of grain throughout the country is cut down, as soon as . it is ready for the sickle. We regret, however, to cast any thing like a gloom upon the general prospect of the splendid harvest ; but we are compelled to say, our adviees from some of the late districts in this county (Antrim) represent the harvest as still more backward than we were led to believe some days since that it would be ; and we fear that in those districts the general harvest is still two or three weeks distaut.—Belfast Whig, September 8.
lay along the quae e, at both ,,eleeii to Francis and Themas ta... e• • . were so alarmieg that a lare,- • 011t of barracks by the come, . and after some eeartioa emc. ants were dangeeously woo: !. streets and quays in hire e ' • Seven of those sell° were :ire,. the mob to attack the Fie !.
were committed to Neweate oh,
Mr. John 'Murphy, the brewer, on Messes. Latonehe and Ca. The Magistrates peanepiorily refee. any of the money recovered.
A young man, a sit' eremi,la Dublin, on Monday, who 11.1,1 le rieht eye and by cuaing off las e
,t hijunction itt Scripture.
i thy ii iii haea. C1G It
a :it,: -1 into Meath Hospital, p1'.;.2kint,I out his 1:1 literal accordance with effena thee pluck it oat, medial:in:a on that pas- ae some time, and a: . ...• 1 estruments of his trade put it in :o executiem ' inen who were SE WOrk It the shop what I.: 11.:1 • : who tutu set:1:r.: the state he woe Ill, lea; him et owe. ma, .1 • t nere lOt now ilea in a state or seeatieg tranquillity, UllE s.111 loam:ring unaer the mania.
ne...-ine it forced draft , iithwa lair trial. him to I. tuil or so restore
The celebrated Irish horse Harken:ay was beaten at the Curragh, on Wednesday, in the race fur her Mejeety's Plate. The winner was Mr. Watts's Apollo, three years old. Before the race was half over, the rider of Ilarkaway pulled him up, and his competitor won easily.
There are at present two gentlemen, occupying a reepecteale position in the county of Galway, -who are so strikingly Atoilar in their appear- ance, that frequently most ludieroue mistakes hav:t occurred front the inability of their intimate acquaiotances to distinguish one gentleman Irons the other. As this fact is now notorious in the county, and good- humouredly enjoyed by the partiee them selves, who are on terms of the closest friendship, and who not unfrequently play off jokes at the ex- of each other, there can be nothing ueseesonable in mentioning their names—viz. Mr. Bei:mini OTlaherly of Liedone, and Mr. Robert Bodkiu of Annangh. 1eela.et is their resemblance as to height, figure, complexion, and dreee. tire the brother of one gentleman has been known to declare he coe '... aistinanieh between them, had not his retail an apec:dier rOtnort- ,p:1 about his ore which the other had not. The resoablanee ••;::: unaceountaale, as there is no relationship between the p;trti, --1.1,:wrick Standard.
A riot of rather a seri ter teole place out Sunday night, be- tween sonic of the soldiers of ti,e 11' -f and Eighty-02-11th Re- giments, at presetit statiomel hi 1 eeieon. The eeene of action v,. r, mel ee one side extended I. on both sides e, lid.a.• • e enii were ordered te ;he belligerents; e'al of the combat- a al ilitary atiraded the y restored..
It eeeouraging flea. :s in Barrack Street, derault of bail.—Datalia