12 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 6

. .1:se:wetted in the county of Fife, on the Mr.

Wright of Edinburgh, which, for • ii•iy yet found in Scotland. It consists of h -rye- of the very finest quality ; together !. en the bottom of the seam, which, for -..1. Ilseides possessing the caking s free burning quality of the Scotch, mil has a very strong heat, yen-


'Ay ii thu ituar....11;nr,., vicinity of this ets. t. :es-sr....Le? of stacks; . les Se the... it tO he little grain to ;tits- by the Led of next week.— A seam of coal has j lands of Cowdenteeris general purposes, is se. •.• alternate layers et' ohle with a foot of pert.

quality and yie! !.

quality of the EA,. perfectly fry:-ci

dering it ness'e' ilst„ The hare,: city. Several!. . and, sheithl th • ie

cut within f ,•r.
