[To THY EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—The result of my appeal to sportsmen who are unable to take the field to give the use of their race glasses, field glasses, or stalking glasses to our non-commissioned officers under orders for the front has been most gratifying. In the first three days after the issue of the appeal over two thousand glasses were received. These glasses are being distributed as rapidly as possible among the non-commissioned officers destined for active service. I should like to take the oppor- tunity of conveying their sincere gratitude to the owners who have given them the use of their glasses. Most of the glasses received have been of the best modern patterns, and it is easy to realize how valuable they will prove in the field. Those who do not possess field glasses, and who desire to assist, should send cheques to The Secretary, National Service League, 72 Victoria Street, London, S.W. All glasses should also be sent
to this address. It will be my pleasure to send a personal letter of thanks to those who in this way contribute to the safety and welfare of our splendid soldiers. Every effort will be made to restore the glasses at the conclusion of the war. In all cases an index number is stamped upon the glasses, and a record of their disposal registered at the offices of the National Service League.—I am, Sir, &c., ROBERTS, F.M.
Englemere, Ascot, Berks.