War Refugees.
[To vas EDITOR or THR " Srre-nroa."] SIR,—The Board of Trade has adopted my last effort to assist in the present struggle, leaving me free to help in other ways, and if those to......
Blucher And The Bridge Of Jena. [to Trh Editor Of
TEX " Bracmroa.-] Sru,—In the Spectator of September 5th (p. 315) you remark:— " When Blucher wanted to blow up the Pont de Jena, and had actually mined it for the purpose,......
Napoleon And Wilhelm Ii.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—While I agree with your editorial comments in last Saturday's Spectator on Mr. Frederic Harrison's extraordinary suggestion, I feel that......
V1ves On The City Of Louvain. [to Ter Editor Of
1111 "SrscrAroa."] Srn,—A few days ago I came across a passage in Vives which struck me as very pathetic in its contrast with the present state of Louvain. But then I felt how......
Soldiers' Prayers.
[To THIS EDITOR or THIS " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—The following extract from Dr. William King's Political and Literary Anecdotes of Kis Own Times (second edition, 1819, pp. 7 to 9)......