The Awakening Of The North.
[To Tax EDITOR OF TEl "SrECTITOR.'1 Sin,—I live in a district of colliers and ironworkers, very Radical and very Trade Unionist. Up to the early part of last week we had......
" The Sweet Little Man."
[TO TER EDITOR. Or THE "SrACTAT014 . 1 SIR, — When the "nuts" of Boston would not go to the war, and preferred lounging in ease and criticizing their betters for not helping to......
[to Mx Editor Ot The "spectator. "] Sir, — I Hope You May
think it fit to insert the enclosed notice. It should, I think, encourage recruiting—especially if an editorial note were appended suggesting that all old public- school boys......
Napoleon And Wilhelm Ii.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—While I agree with your editorial comments in last Saturday's Spectator on Mr. Frederic Harrison's extraordinary suggestion, I feel that......
Public-school Battalions.
[To THE EDITOR Or VIZ "SrscrIroa."] Sts,—The next new Army is to contain public-school battalions—twenty, it is rumoured. This is excellent news; but better would be the further......
Boers And The War.
[To THR EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sts,—An extract from a letter written by a daughter who has lived for some years in the Orange Free State, usually considered the most......