The Times Of Friday Publishes A Letter From Sir Valentine
Chirol on Baron de Reuter's explanation to the Press Association of the attitude of Reuter's Agency towards " the German organization for influencing the Press of other......
" Their One-voiced Demand To Be Foremost In The Conflict
has touched my heart, and has inspired to the highest issues the love and devotion which, as I well know, have ever linked my Indian subjects and myself. I recall to mind......
The King's Message Addressed "to The Governments And...
My Self-Governing Dominions," published to the world on Wednesday, is noble in its sincerity of word and thought. What could be said better or with a truer dignity than the......
We Greatly Regret To Record The Loss Of The Light
cruiser ' Pathfinder,' which was sunk by a mine or a submarine in the North Sea last Saturday, about twenty miles off the East Coast. About two hundred lives were lost......
We Were Unable To Find Space Last Week In Which
to chronicle the election of the new Pope—Cardinal della Chiesa. Let us trust that, though he takes possession of the Holy See at a period of such stress and storm, the major......
Even When The Cambrai—le Cateau Position Had Been Reached He
must fall back further, for the enveloping movement still threatened him, and the ground, though already entrenched, was not suitable for a firm resistance. The exhausted troops......
A Despatch From Sir John French Describing The Operations Of
the British Field Force from August 23rd to 28th was issued on Thursday morning. Although it is a narrative of constant retreat, it is as reassuring as an announcement of two or......
We Have Read With Much Pleasure An Article Entitled "revenge
" in the New Statesman of last week. The writer has shown, better than we could argue the case ourselves, how natural is the awakening of a spirit of revenge at the spectacle of......
Sir John French Explains That He Understood That At Most
two German army corps and perhaps a cavalry division were opposed to the British position at Mons. On Sunday, the 23rd, he received "a most unexpected message " from General......
Then Come Offers Of Vast Sums Of Money And Thousands
of horses and camels " with their drivers." The Maharaja of Rewa, besides his troops and his money, has offered his private jewellery for the service of the King-Emperor. Even......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Aug. 8th.......