[To THR EDITOR OF THE "SrECTATOR.n SIR,—" There is only one way to shorten the war and to bring ns peace. That is to make adequate military preparations, and to raise an additional Army of at the very least half a million men, and in the shortest possible time.... Remember . . . that our Navy . . . cannot end the war. Only a military force can do that." So aptly writes the High Sheriff of Surrey in the Spectator of September 5th. Now this grim fact needs rubbing in, especially among the artisan and working class of the industrial North, who do not sufficiently realize the whole situation. They are apt to think, and do say : " Oh! we're all right : we've got our Navy." This well-meaning error needs to be strongly combated, for, as the High Sheriff also remarks, "if we do not shorten the war, but let it drag on, miseries untold must fall upon us all, but especially upon the working classes." At the present moment, then, this is the chief point—not only to shorten but to end the war, and " only a military force can do that." Therefore an effective military force is immediately needed to drive back the Prussian Army to Berlin. Then, and only then, peace and honour.—I am, Sir, &c.,