13 APRIL 1907, Page 1

Sir Edward Grey continued his announcement with the declaration that

Sir Eldon Gorst had been appointed to the vacancy at Cairo, an appointment which had been made after consultation with Lord Cromer. Sir Eldon Gorst, he declared, had special knowledge of Egypt, and there was no one who possessed in a greater degree Lord Cromer's con- fidence, or who had been more closely associated personally with him in his work. He was confident that this choice is the one best calculated to maintain and continue that work. With that declaration we are in full agreement. No man knows so well as Lord Cromer what is wanted in his successor, and also no man has had better opportunities of testing Sir Eldon Gorses fitness for the post. Sir Eldon was trained under Lord Cromer and has passed all but some three years of his official life in the Egyptian Administration. We offer him our heartiest congratulations, and feel sure that his one desire will be to maintain the great and honour- able traditions of Lord Cromer's administration. His intimate knowledge of Egyptian affairs will forbid any attempt on the part of Cairo intriguers to persuade him that things will go better if he alters the principles on which our control of Egyptian affairs has been founded. It will be remembered that Sir Eldon Gorst was first Adviser to the Minister of the Interior, and then Adviser to the Ministry of Finance. It is therefore no exaggeration to say that he knows the affairs of Egypt from top to bottom.