13 APRIL 1907, page 17

Economics For Irishmen.

[TO TIER EDITOR 07 THE BPEC74.208:1 SIR,-" The Calendar of Trinity College (Dublin) is quoted to show that nearly half the revenue of that establishment is spent on theology,......

Game Preservation And The Tsetse-fly.

[To Too Enron or um "SrEorsrou.") Sra,—Fortunately, like your correspondent Mr. Murray (Spectator, April 6th), I have no experience of Wm in relation to sleeping sickness. When......

The Scole Of Latin-atte-bowe.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR...I Sin,—You do well to emphasise the fact that the adoption of a reformed, or Philological-Society, or approximately true pro- nunciation of......

Missionaries And Newspapers.

[To TR. Soma or Tar "Srroravos..] Sm, — In your issue of March 30th a correspondent suggested that some of your subscribers might like to forward their copies of the Spectator......

Dublin University And The Liberal Party.

[TO TRR EDITOR 07 Tug SPECTATOR:9 Suz,—In a note appended to Mr. Gwynn's letter last week you say :— " We cannot agree with Mr. Gwynn that Liberal Noncon- formists, who are for......

Trinity College, Dublin.

pro TR. EDITOR OF TIM "srscrzzos..1 Sut,—I cannot help saying a word in support of Mr. Ian Malcolm's plea for mercy to Trinity College (Spectator, March 9th), though from a......