13 APRIL 1907, page 24

The Making Of The Criminal. By Charles E. B. Russell

and L. M. Rigby. (Macmillan and Co. Els. 6d. net.)—Criminals are, to a large extent, made for us. There is a °lase in which crime is an inheritance. Then there are those whom......

Engines Of Social Progress. By W. L. George. (a. And

C. Black. 5s. net)—The subjects discussed in this volume are eight,--viz., emigration ; small holdings ; garden cities, with an appendix on cheap cottages and rural housing ;......

Some Books Of The Week.

Mehl. this Mattis', we mottos rush BOOk4 el the west as Nos not been reserved for masa in other Arms.] The Teaching of the Temple. By the Rev. T. T. Lucius Morgan. (Rivingtons.......

A Sect That Moved The World. By John Telford, Ra.

(Charles H. Kelly. 25. 6d.)—The sub-title of Mr. Telford's book is" Three Generations of Clapham Sainte and Philanthropists." He begins With Henry Venn, who took up a curacy at......

A New English Dictionary. Edited By Dr. James A. H.

Murray. VoL VII. (" 0-1" "), " Piper—Polygenistic." (The Clarendon Press. Treble section, 78. 6e1.)—This section, which indicates by its size a more than average extent of......

Current L1teratuile.

OLD-AGE PENSIONS. Old - Age Pensions and the Aged Poor, a Proposal. By Charles Booth. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. net.)—This is a reprint (with now preface) of a volume published in......