13 APRIL 1907, Page 24

A New English Dictionary. Edited by Dr. James A. H.

Murray. VoL VII. (" 0-1" "), " Piper—Polygenistic." (The Clarendon Press. Treble section, 78. 6e1.)—This section, which indicates by its size a more than average extent of progress, may be described as unusually interesting. The words contained in it, numbering in all five thousand five hundred and thirty-six, exhibit a considerable mixture. Dr. Murray thinks that very few of them "have any claim to be considered originally Germanic." But they come from a great variety of other sources. One of the latest additions—it moves the dispassionate soul of a lexi- cographer to interject an "alas !"—is pogrom, from the Russian pogromen, where it is connected with grom, "thunder," and gromit, "to thunder" or "blast."