13 APRIL 1907, page 16

The Pronunciation Of Latin.

rro THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR." SIR,—In reading the article on "The Pronunciation of Latin" in last week's Spectator I was deeply touched by the ambitious- ness of the......

The Scole Of Latin-atte-bowe.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR...I Sin,—You do well to emphasise the fact that the adoption of a reformed, or Philological-Society, or approximately true pro- nunciation of......

The Education Of The Working Classes. Lto The Ehitoe Of

THE .avaaoires.1 Sin,—In an article headed "Mr. Burns and the Independent Labour Party" in your issue of April 6th you state as a reason why so few lads of the labouring classes......

The Late Canon M1ccoll. [to The Editor Op The 5pectator:]

Sra, — I feel sure that your readers will like to see put on record, in a paper to whose columns Canon MacColl so often contributed, some of the chief facts of his life. Malcolm......