13 APRIL 1907, Page 17


pro TR. EDITOR OF TIM "srscrzzos..1 Sut,—I cannot help saying a word in support of Mr. Ian Malcolm's plea for mercy to Trinity College (Spectator, March 9th), though from a different point of view. I do not know exactly what is proposed. It is, of course, not desirable that "interests or prejudices should be allowed to stand in the way of a great scheme." But the scheme must not attempt the impossible. It must not undertake to force the currents of Protestant and Catholic, or rather Papal, culture into the same channel. The difference between them is not merely one of creeds or sacraments. Protestant culture is scientific, liberal, progressive. Its ideal is in the future. Papal culture is the opposite of all this, and its ideal is in the past. Read the Syllabus. Among the heresies condemned by it is Boman= Pontifex petal as debet cum progressu, cum liberalism.° of cum recenti civilitate sese reconciliare et componere. The effect can hardly fail to be felt in the curriculum and the general spirit of the Institution. I was in Ireland when the Government was bringing the system of the University of Queen's Colleges into operation. Catholic teachers of science were eagerly sought, but with great difficulty found.—I am,