13 APRIL 1907, Page 1

The King and Queen arrived at Cartagena on Monday on

a visit to the King of Spain. King Alfonso, accompanied by the Queen-mother Christina, steamed out to meet the Victoria and Albert' on board the • Giralda,' and the two yachts came into the harbour together escorted by British and Spanish warships. King Alfonso and Queen Christina went on board the 'Victoria and Albert; and the two Kings and two Queens embraced each other. King Edward and Queen Alexandra afterwards returned the visit on board the Giralda.' In the evening King Alfonso gave a banquet on board the battleship Numancia.' King Alfonso in his speech referred particularly to his visit to England two years ago, "which marked in my life a decisive moment for my personal happiness." A reference was also made to King Edward's "generous task of strengthening good feeling and harmony among all States." Bing Edward's cordial reply contained a particularly complimentary allusion to the long regency of Queen Christina. Neither King Edward nor Queen Alexandra went ashore. Tuesday was spent in exchanging visits and inspecting ships. King Edward and King Alfonso went on board the British flagship 'Queen' and the battleship Venerable.' The British and Spanish officers also entertained one another. The Victoria and Albert' left Cartagena on Wednesday for Malta.