13 APRIL 1907, Page 2

The arrangement between France and Germany, recorded in the Times

last Saturday, as to wireless telegraphy in Morocco is gratifying, and shows, as the Temps remarks, that when an understanding is desired an understanding is forth- coming. It is the more satisfactory because the French and German plans seemed to be diametrically opposed. This arrangement has led to a good deal of talk in the French and German Press as to a further and wider understanding. It is sometimes hinted in Germany that Britain would oppose any such better understanding because she believes it to be to her interest to keep Francs and her neighbour npart Nothing could be more ant_ ue. Though we mean to stand by France if she is again threatened with an attack from across her Eastern border as she was threatened in the summer of 1905, it is our desire that French and German relations should be friendly and serene. The maintenance of European peace is the greatest of British interests. Any reasonable understand- ing, then, between the two Powers would be watched here, not with jealousy, but, on the contrary, with genuine pleasure.