13 APRIL 1907, Page 3

We have dealt elsewhere with Lord Cromer's Report, but must

find space here for a delightful touch of humour con. tabled in that portion of it which deals with the Soudan. In summarising Major Wilson's Report on the province of Sennar, Lord Cromer remarks that the "following observation is characteristic of British administration." Major Wilson writes : 'Advantage was taken of the presence of numerous head Sheikhs at the Cotton Show to initiate them into the game of polo on donkeys. Matches were played between teams of Sheikhs, who took to the game in an extraordinary manner.' " It seems to us that Major Wilson by his bold experiment with the Semler Sheikhs may have unconsciously produced world-wide results. Polo on donkeys would be an admirable new sport for elderly men of action for whom real polo has become too dangerous. We also recommend donkey polo to enterprising hostesses in country houses anxious to find amusement for their guests. Most mining villages, as well as most seaside resorts, ought easily to be able to produce eight donkeys to make a beginning, while country houses in Kent and Essex would have the whole of the coster donkeys of the East End to draw upon. We wonder whether the donkeys soon get keen on the game like ponies, and learn to follow the ball. Also, do their ears get in the way ?