Horse Breeding and Management. By Frederic Adye. With numerous Illustrations
from Photographs; and Sketches made by the Author. (R. A. Everett and Co. 10s. 6d.)—As far as it goes, this is a good and an interestingly written little book. It has no pretensions to be a complete treatise on the horse, nor does it enter into Veterinary matters. But it is the work of one who knows much about horses and horse-breeding, and who writes in a practical fashion and in plain language, often based on his own experience, for those who know little of the matter. Mr. Adye has an unaffected love of horses, and his chapters on the "Brood Mare," on "Rearing the Foal," and on "Handling and Breaking " are full of that kindliness and common-sense which are, unfortunately, rare among those who have the care of horses. A chapter upon "Breeding Army Horses," which was written before the outbreak of the South African War, foresaw the diffi- culties which would have to be faced by the Remount Depart- ment, and urged the establishment of Government studs. In spite of motor-cars, the demand for light and heavy draught horses is enormous, and we import great numbers. The London General Omnibus Company is said to own about thirty-eight thousand, bought at an average of 228 a horse. We doubt whether it would pay to breed them at that price in this country. There is an interesting chapter, too, on breeding ponies. We notice Mr. Adye places the Exmoor above the Dartmoor and the New Forest breeds. These are excellent for crossing with an Arab or thoroughbred sire. Another chapter, on mules, advo- cates their use for farm-work in this country, and describes how they are bred in Poitou, which is the headquarters of the mule- breeding industry in Europe. In dealing with racing, steeple- chasing, and the influence of the Turf on breeding, Mr. Adye deplores the modern system of handicaps and short races, as well as the subordination of the love of pure sport to gambling and the vulgar greed of gain which is undermining the British Turf.