Lord George Hamilton Followed With A, Very Impressive...
Gerald Balfour had declared that the present controversy was not between Free-trade and Protection, but he maintained that it was. Free-trade meant the removal in the interest......
Congregation At Oxford Decided On Tuesday By A Small...
to exempt candidates for honours in natural science and mathematics from the obligation of qualifying in Greek at Responsions. The supporters of the innovation laid stress on......
A Painful Sensation Was Created In The House Of Commons
on Friday week. Mr. Powell-Williams, the Liberal Unionist Member for South Birmingham since 1885, and one of the most active members of the Tariff Reform League, was suddenly......
In The Course Of Wednesday's Debate Sir Edward Grey Made
a speech of characteristic moderation and good sense, which closed with a very useful reminder of the danger of interfering in any way with the fiscal systems of our Colonies.......
The Attitude Of The Government In Regard To The Chinese
labour question was not rendered more intelligible or credit- able by Mr. Alfred Lyttelton's replies to questions put to him in the House on Wednesday. He could not state what......
The Military Lords—we Trust That The Council, Following...
of the Admiralty, will collectively be "My Lords" —who have been appointed to seats in the new Army Council form, in all probability, as good a selection as it was in the power......
We Have To Record With Deep Regret The Death Of
the Master of the Temple, better known as Canon Ainger. Endowed with rare personal charm and great social gifts, an eloquent preacher and a distinguished man of letters, Canon......
In Thursday's Debate The Government Made Another Lurch,...
strongly in the direction of Mr. Chamberlain. In answer to some very pertinent questions from Sir John Gorst, Mr. Alfred Lyttelton declared (1) that the Government will support......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
Console (2f per cent.) were on Friday 861.......