Cnimrsm Might Well Have Been Disarmed By The Statement That
owing to the early death of Miss Barmby her work had not received from her its final revision. But even though it lacks the final touches which might—as in the case of so • The......
Laura's Legacy. By E. H. Stiain. (t. Fisher Ijnwin. 6s.)—
This is a pleasant Scots story, which recalls now and then Mrs. Oliphant's earlier manner. Mrs. Strain has followed a plan with which some recent novels have made us familiar,......
The Key Of Paradise. By Sidney Pickering. (e. Arnold. 6s.)
—" Paradise" seems a long way off, and even impossible of attain- ment, in the early part of Mr. Pickering's story. The "Little Princess," fresh from her convent school, is......
Jitdaism As Creed And Life.*
Mn. JOSEPH defines his position as a via media, a mean between Talmudic Judaism on the one hand, and the Liberal Judaism on the other, probably associated in the minds of many......