We May Mention Abridgments Of Two Classical Text-books So...
known that it is needless to say anything in praise of them. These are Professor W. W. Goodwin's edition of Demosthenes on the Crown, abridged by the editor (Os.) ; and the......
Spencer Kellogg Brown. By George Gardner Smith. (w....
K. Brown had the ill-fortune to be growing into manhood at the time when the slavery trouble in the States was coming to a head. It is a dismal story of lawlessness and cruelty......
Of Periodical Volumes We Have Received Kelly's Handbook...
Titled, Landed, and Official Classes (Kelly's Directories, 165.), appear- ing for the &irtieth time. After some hints as to the etiquette of addressing, &c., we have an account......
He Devotes A Part Of His Introduction. It Leads Him
to make a retort which, telling as it is, has little of "sweet reasonableness" in it. Christians fall lamentably short of Christianity ; if Mahommedans come nearer to their......
A Handsome Volume Which Will Be Of General As Well
as special interest is Drawings of Trinity College, Oxford, by T. Martini Ronaldson (Holywell Press, Oxford). The drawings are twenty in number. The College, built from the......
Turkish Life In Town And Country. B'y Lucy M. J.
Garnett. (G. Newnes. 35. 6d. net.)—We are not in a position to criticise in detail this author's statements ; we can only say that we feel a certain distrust in the general......
Animals That Have Owned Us. By Walter Herries Pollock. (john
Murray. 57. net.)—Mr. Pollock's list of ruling animals begins with "Betsy the Hen." Then come some dogs, and then some cats, last in the procession—naturally the "Bird Colcmists......
The Hampstead Annual. Edited By Greville E. Matheson And...
C. Moyle. (S. C. Mayle. 2s. 6d. net.)—We are glad to see the Hanspstead Annual flourishing with undiminished vigour. The place has a wealthy past, and the present is not unequal......