Animals that Have Owned Us. By Walter Herries Pollock. (John
Murray. 57. net.)—Mr. Pollock's list of ruling animals begins with "Betsy the Hen." Then come some dogs, and then some cats, last in the procession—naturally the "Bird Colcmists " are not included—but not least. It is the proper position for these most dignified persons. Mr. Pollock has, we perceive, a special liking for—we should rather say, loyalty to —his' cat masters. This is as it should be. You cannot make a dog keep up his dignity, whereas a cat is perfectly well aware of his superiority to man, and accepts flatteries and attentions as if they were his due. The subtle observation which Mr. Pollock has exercised on these exalted beings, the fine distinctions of carriage and deportment which he observed in them, are quite admirable. This volume will be prized by all loyal people. Our only regret in noticing it is that owing to the press of books we cannot review it at greater length.