he devotes a part of his Introduction. It leads him
to make a retort which, telling as it is, has little of "sweet reasonableness" in it. Christians fall lamentably short of Christianity ; if Mahommedans come nearer to their ideal, it is because their ideal is so much lower. As we read on we find that Professor Brown really gives a judicious appreciation of the Babi religion. He tones down the enthusiasm of Mr. Phelps ; he recognises that the faith and philosophy of the new sect are an amalgam of old ideas; he sees that they have an enormous advantage in never having been subjected to the teat of success —setundae res aerioribus stimais animos explorant —and he doubts whether the virtue of tolerance is among their moral equipment. The story which he commends to the notice of the public is highly interest- ing, as are also the specimens of Babi teaching.