Sunday : " The Future Life ".--Prof. C. G. Seligman (Daventry National, 2.40) ; Reading from Classical Literature -Ronald Watkins (London Regional, 5.0) ; Frank Titterton, Song Recital (Daventry National, 5.30) ; The Archbishop of - York (Daventry National, 8.0).
Monday : " Some Makers of the Modern Spirit "-Prof. John Macmurray (Daventry National, 7.80) ; " Other People's Houses " (Daventry National, 9.20) ; Chamber Music-Ernst Toch (Daventry National, 9.35).
Tuesday._ The Tales of lloffinann (London Regional, 8.15, and Wednesday, Daventry National, 9.35); Symphony Con- cert (DaVentry National, 9.20).
Wednesday : Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra (Daventry National, 8.80); What is the State ? "-Prof. H. J. Laski (Daventry National, 7.80) ; " Strange Music "-Richard
Hughes (Daventry National, 9.20). -
l'hursday : Halle Concert (London Regional, 7.30) ; Mr. Yffnon Bartlett (Daventry National, 9.20).
Friday : " Russia "-Prof. Arnold J, Toynbec (Daventry National, 7.30);_ " S.O.S."-Mr. S. P. B. Mats (1_,vcoiry, National, 9.99) ; Ghosts at Solberg(' (Daventry National, 9.85, and Saturday, London Regional,- 8.0) ; Concert of Contem- porary Music (London Regional, 8.15)r.
Saturday : England v. Wales (Daventry National, 2.20) ; " Should Death puties be Abolished ?(Daventry National, 9.20) ; Gilbert and Sullivan (Daventry National, 9.40).
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