The Recently Concluded Serial-readings From Dombey And...
short stories, which could be completed in a single reading, might be even more effective. They are so obviously suited to the microphone that one wonders why they so seldom......
- Items To Watch For.
Sunday : " The Future Life ".--Prof. C. G. Seligman (Daventry National, 2.40) ; Reading from Classical Literature -Ronald Watkins (London Regional, 5.0) ; Frank Titterton, Song......
No Doubt Light Music Is What Most People Prefer At
midday : hence, fi suppose, the predominance in the programmes of cinema and hotel music at that hour. Occasionally, we are given a little organ music for a change, or a......
One Of The B.b.c. Music Series Which Has Certainly Made
history is the Concerts of Contemporari'Mnide. These ebn- certs have had to fight a good deal of ridicule, but by its persistence in broadcasting them the B.B.C. has provided......
The Radio . - 1.6 - Tte* Tx Sincere And Lucid Terms, The...
of :Wales has recently told listenersbowbe. thinks- personal service might be enlisted . to alleviate the present distressing state , of the unemployed. Particularly happy was......
Solution Of Cross- Word No. 15 01300ciici0cie10 0002. 3 13
13 Cr CI el 0E10013 CiriliC1111:111111C1 El 0 El .1111 . n E-n 1110101313131113 11111C11:113 13 0 1:10 EIZIE1111 111 1313 01111C101111 0- CI In 13 in El 140112110130......
"the Spectator" Crossword No. 16
BY XAISTHIPPE. prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's cross-word puzzle to be opined. Envelopes should be marked "......