Railway Sinking Funds
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Answering Mr. Keen, I should say that the primary object of ,,the institution of : sinking hinds - in . relation to municipal and......
-birmingham Goes Far
[To the Editor of THE SpEcr.trom] Sia,—Too little attention, it seems to me, has been aroused by the decision of the Birmingham City Council that " no article or manufactured......
" Sayings That Were Never Uttered" [to The Editor Of
THE SPECTATOR.] SIE,—In his interesting article, "Sayings that . Were 'never uttered," Mr. W. A. Hirst is unquestionably correct'When he states that Wolfe's 'remark on Gray's......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—" J. P." Who
criticises your spelling of judgment; has, I think, mis-spelled a word in his note to you in last week's issue of The - Spectator. He Wrote " mis-spelt," whereas the past tense......
Christ And The Money:changers [to The Editor Of Tiie...
Snt;—On p. 8 in The Spectator of January 6th, PrOfCSSOTZIRIHICTH writes that he 'agrees that the Founder of Christianity ", used force against the moneychangers." This......
" The Briton
[To the Editor of SPECTATOR.] , SIR,—I wonder if you would consider the - question of banishing the word 't Britisher " frani your valtMd columns : You-would not speak of a......
No Pathetic Fallacy
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,-1Vhile extremely grateful for your generous review of Violante, might I, in no carping spirit, point out that the " atmospheric devices......
Learning To Spell
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Your judgement of *Bing may be as sound as your spelling of " judgement " but if Mi. Wilson Harris'S spelling of " autarchy " is right,......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sut R —judgement And...
not so easily disposed of !- The Bible has judgment in the A.V. (not only in the text but in the Epistle Dedicatory) and judgement hi the R.V. and Breeches Bible (1599). Fowler,......