13 JANUARY 1933, page 22
Modern Rome
Rome of the Renaissance and To-Day. By Sir Roane]] Rodd, G.C.B. (Macmillan. 25s.) SIR RENNELL Rono remembers seeing, when he was, seven years old, " a gilded coach driven up the......
The History Of The Russian Revolution
THE Russian revolution had the quality of falsifying all the best predictions. It was a revolution made—or at any rate stage-managed—by Marxists. Marx had proved conclusively......
The Fox Again
The Horse and His Schooling. By Lt.-Col. M. F. lieTaggart t D.S.O. (Methuen. Is. 6t1.) Try Back. By A. Henry Hi on, M.F.H. 25s.) COLONEL MCTAGGART'S is a didactic book, as its......