The new number of the Law Quarterly Review contains an
exceptionally large number of articles that are either of general or of special professional interest. Of the latter character is Lord Justice Fry's on "Specific Performance and Lamle Fidei." The Land Transfer Bill has been extinguished, so far as the present Session is concerned ; but whoever contemplates an attack upon the measure in the event of its being revived next year, should read Mr. Hugh M. Humphry's article criticising it. A most valuable paper, full of well-digested historical and legal information, is Mr. T. Boston Bruce's on "The New Italian Code," which comes into effect a few weeks hence. It is rather odd to find that the framers of this code should have borrowed from the Irish prison system perfected by Sir W. Crofton, the series of pro- gressive stages—the initial term of solitary confinement, the period of associated labour, life in the penitentiary, and con- ditional liberty—by which crimiianls reap the advantage of a steady course of good conduct.