Glasgow Is, Like His Friend The Late Principal Shairp, Above
all things a Wordsworthian. At all events, it is tolerably safe to say that, but for Wordsworth, neither the bulk of this volume nor of "Hillside Rhymes," which preceded it,......
Subjects Of Social Welfare. By The Right Hon. Sir Lyon
Play- fair, M.P. (Cassell and Co.)—Sir Lyon Playfair is much more than a politician ; he is primarily and principally a publicist and a man of science, as the essays and......
Four Famous Soldiers. By T. R. E. Holmes. (allen And
Co.)— Sir Charles Napier, Hodson of Hodson's Horse, Sir William Napier, and Sir Herbert Edwardes are the soldiers whose lives Mr. Holmes relates in this volume. The book is not......
The New Judgment Of Paris. By Paul Lafargue. (macmillan.)...
is a good deal of cleverness, not a little very high art, and an immense amount of artificiality, in these two volumes by a new and (in all probability) female writer. There is......