The Americans Object To Resistance To The Police....
prize-fighter, contrived to elude the authorities in the State of Mississippi, and to conquer his opponent, Kilrain, after a three hours' battle. He then retired to Tennessee,......
The Discontent In Crete Which Flames Out From Time To
time is again growing active, and Turkish troops have been pre- vented from collecting the "tithes," which, we may remark, are the Imperial land-tax. The Turkish Government is......
We Call Attention To A Letter Published In Another Column
on the muzzling of dogs, and the mischief to which it leads where the muzzles are provided, as they are in nine cases out of ten, by people who are either too careless or too......
Lord Charles Beresford Has Resigned His Seat For Maryle-...
in order, as he tells the electors, "to apply for the com- mand of one of her Majesty's ships-of-war at sea, in order to qualify myself for the high position of a British......
The French Chamber Has Passed The New Army Bill By
386 to 170. Under this Bill, the years of service are reduced from five years to three ; but all exemptions are abolished, and the age of liability in extreme cases raised to......
The Lords, As Was Expected, Have Flung Out The Land-
Transfer Bill, and on the distinct ground that they will not have realty assimilated to personalty. On Friday week, Lord Bath moved the omission of Clause 74, because it directs......
The French Parliamentary Atmosphere Grows Hotter And...
M. Laguerre, a leading Boulangist Deputy, asserted that the High Court was "a hateful farce," and when called to order, declared that he should remain in the tribune as long as......
In Discussing The Scotch Local Government Bill On...
Government made a concession to Free Education in the case of the poorest districts of Scot- land, which Mr. Mundella and others treated as fore- shadowing a general concession......
The Usual "massacre Of The Innocents "began On Thursday,...
Mr. Smith, in asking for the whole time of the House, postponed the new Education Code till next year, and abandoned the Irish Drainage Bills. He was not very con- fident,......
Bank Rate, 2i Per Cent.
New Consols (219 were on Friday 981 to 98i.......