A History Of Scotland, Chiefly In Its Ecclesiastical...
M. G. J. Kinloch. (R. Grant and Son, Edinburgh.)—The fact that this history, originally introduced to the public in 1873 by the late Bishop of Brechin, has reached a second......
Four Famous Soldiers. By T. R. E. Holmes. (allen And
Co.)— Sir Charles Napier, Hodson of Hodson's Horse, Sir William Napier, and Sir Herbert Edwardes are the soldiers whose lives Mr. Holmes relates in this volume. The book is not......
Professor Eric Robertson, Of The University Of The...
has, in Children of the Poets (Walter Scott), made a selection from what has been written about children by the English and American poets of the last three centuries. The......
The Third Part Of Mr. H. H. Howorth's History Of
the Mongols (Longmans) is devoted to "The Mongols of Persia." It is an ill return for the vast labour expended upon this work, for the reviewer to pass it over in a few lines.......
The Story Of The Nations : Persia. By S. G.
W. Benjamin. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—Mr. Benjamin is a well-known authority on this subject, and he has put into this volume a very considerable amount of knowledge. In the earlier......
Gilbert Preethorne's Heritage. By W. C. Alvary....
a decidedly ambitious and promising, though not quite successful attempt to give us a romance of Scotch clerical life, to weave mystery, heresy, love, money, and parish gossip......