13 MARCH 1915, Page 13


['To TH. EDITOR or TIM EDROT/TOL") Sra,—The fact that Italy is more concerned, as I pointed out in my letter of January 2nd, with the question of Mediterranean equilibrium than with the question of her " unredeemed" pro- vinces makes the forcing of the Dardanelles an event of fin.* importance as affecting her attitude. The opportunity has been taken away from her of coming in at her discretion, first against Turkey, with whom she has a real quarrel, and only in the last resort against Austria and Germany—thereby guaranteeing her Mediterranean interests with the minimens of sacrifice, and saving her from any reproach for wantonly attacking her former friends. Now she will have to make up her mind either to disinterest herself in what has hitherto concerned her most and be prepared to acquiesce in a relative strengthening of France's position in the Mediterranean after the war, or to assure herself against such a result by eon- seating to make common cause with us within a very short space of time—I am, Sir, dc.e. J. B. Banana