13 MARCH 1915, page 13

Letters To The Editor.

"SPIRITLESS AND SELFISH NEUTRALITY." [To rm. rmaa ens. "Brecmon.”) Sta.—Public opinion in the United States, at least so far as the educated classes are concerned, is almost......

Italy At The Cross-roads.

['To TH. EDITOR or TIM EDROT/TOL") Sra,—The fact that Italy is more concerned, as I pointed out in my letter of January 2nd, with the question of Mediterranean equilibrium than......


[To raa Earroa or ram .. SraCTLInn"] S18.--If some day in the distant future the United States of America found itself at war with Japan, would you advocate the sale of......

Ascot In War Time.

[To TDB Eimer. or ring arrarrroAn San,—" Pleasure as usual" is "certainly a vile motto," say you in your note to "Schoolmaster's" letter regarding Ascot in last week's......

A Great Danger.

[To TR. EDITOR Or Tea .. SPECTLTOZ."] Sin,—May I put a question or two to your American corre- spondent, Mr. William Stearns Davis, in the Spectator of February 13th? In Section......