[to The Editor Ov Tea Spectleoh1
Snt,—Your correspondent "Erpectans " is right. There are thousands in every branch of the Christian Church who want a simplified religion. They are convinced that the way to......
"noscitur A Sociis."
[To Tar Enna or THE °Error...M."1 Sea.—" Vernon Lee" (Miss Violet Paget) would have been well advised, in the interest of the so-called Union for Democratic Control, not to......
Wanted—a Simplified Religion.
[To rrze Enna or rar .13rronroa."1 fire—The subjoined extracts from a newspaper cutting explain why many of the laity think there is need for a simplified religion. That men......
[to The Horns Or Ma •• Sescraroan Sun,—the Question Of...
or not racing during the war, as to which the Times gave a good lead, Seems to have been badly confused by many correspondents (1) Even if it were true that the particular type......
Women And The Labour Market.
[To TEE Errron or nor ntarrorrror."] Sut,—In your issue of January 23rd there appeared an article entitled " Economia Quackery," in the course of which sou raised the very......
[to Tee Tans. Ow The “srocrana..1 Ste,—there Will Be No
peace in Christendom till men submit to the guidance of the Spirit of Christ, which He promised should lead them. "Ye shall be all taught of God " is a pledge both encouraging......