13 MARCH 1915, page 3

We Are Glad To Note That Officers In Uniform Have

been forbidden to visit night clubs in London. The gambling night clubs have ruined several young officers, and the dancing clubs are almost quite as undesirable in these times.......

If It Could Be Shown That A Derby Can Be

held with- out drinking and betting, as of course it could be, it would be a war lesson of incomparable value. We do not know whether fresh legislation would be required in......

In Our Opinion, There Seems An Opportunity For A Reason-

able compromise here, and compromise is essential. There is something extremely unedifying in seeing the nation forget the war in order to indulge in fierce polemics over......

Mexico, As Was Only To Be Expected, Is Again Causing

much anxiety in the United States. The Times Washington corre- spondent stated on Wednesday that in the general belief an ultimatum had been sent to General Clarranza regarding......

Our Correspondence Column; Like Flume Of The Times, Show...

the interest in the oadroverey whether racing shall continue proceeds with unabated vigour. Speaking from the standpoint of the impartial observer and without any desire to push......

On Thursday Week The German Submarine '178 ' Was Sunk

off Dover by destroyers. The twenty-nine officers and men were taken prisoners. Subsequently the Admiralty announced that they did not feel justified in according honourable......

Last Sunday The India Office Issued A Statement As To

the operations at the head of the Persian Gulf. For some time it had been known that two or three regiments of Turkish troops, together with tribesmen who are hostile to the......

Another German Submarine Was Sunk On Wednesday, After...

by the destroyer 'Ariel.' Ten of the crew surrendered and the other eighteen were lost. It was at first announced that the submarine was 'I:TO,' but afterwards she was stated to......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Percent. Aug.
