Last Sunday the India Office issued a statement as to
the operations at the head of the Persian Gulf. For some time it had been known that two or three regiments of Turkish troops, together with tribesmen who are hostile to the Sheikh of Mohammerah, had been gathering west of A.hwaz. A reconnaissance in force was accordingly despatched from the Ahwaz garrison on March 3rd. The enemy, who turned out to be stronger than was expected, numbered about twelve thousand. Repeated attempts were made to cut off the British force, and hand-to-hand fighting took place. The enemy lost about six hundred killed and very many wounded. Our casualties, also severe, were five British officers killed and three wounded, and one man killed and five wounded; also one Indian officer killed and four wounded, and fifty-five Indian rank-and-file killed and one hundred and fifteen wounded. On the same day a cavalry reconnaissance was made towards Nakaila, about twenty-five miles north-west of Basra. The cavalry when returning were followed by about fifteen hundred horsemen. These were skilfully led on to a prepared position, where they suffered very heavily from artillery and machine guns, losing three hundred killed and six hundred wounded. Our casualties were ten killed and three wounded. Of the killed six were officers.