Mexico, as was only to be expected, is again causing
much anxiety in the United States. The Times Washington corre- spondent stated on Wednesday that in the general belief an ultimatum had been sent to General Clarranza regarding the safety of foreigners. Intervention is again threatened, and more ships of war have been ordered to Vera Cruz. The correspondent asserts, however, that President Wilson's message to General Carrauza cannot be described as an ultimatum. There is cer- tainly need to call the Constitutional leaders to attention, for it is said that General Carranza's lieutenant at Mexico City, Senor Obregon, has threatened to hand over the capital to General Zapata and other brigands. Mr. Wilson, it appears, informed General Canalize and Seitor Obregon that he will hold them personally responsible for injury to Americans. Meanwhile Mr. Bryan has advised all Americans to leave Mexico. One would think that Mr. Wilson must be wishing for General Huerta back again. Northern Mexico is subject to the " bloodstained " rule of the other " Constitutionalist " leader, General Villa, so that North and South seem alike to be involved in one red ruin.