13 MARCH 1915, Page 16


[To SIM E74708 07 711:0 ..577C717016"1

See,—I notice that some of your correspondents deny or doubt that a bar Or clasp was ever awarded with a Victoria Cross before that given to Lieutenant Leeke. I can assert positively that my uncle, the late Captain Cecil Buckley, RN., received this distinction. He gained the Victoria Cross for two separate acts of valour when a Lieutenant on the Miranda,' the flag- ship of Admiral Lord Lyons, who calls them in his despatches "desperate services gallantly performed." I have frequently bad the Cross with its bar in my bands—I am, Sir, Ac., EL Res. L&av Loverr CAMERON. [In spite of our correspondent's personal evident*, we believe that what she thought was an official bar must have been some unofficial addition made by whoever mounted the Cross. We suggest that she should apply to the official at the War Office who controls the register of the Victoria Cross and ask him whether there is any official record of a bar having been granted or allowed. If, as we believe will be the ease, the answer is that there is no record of the grant of a bar, it will, in our opinion, be conclusive evidence that the bar She saw and handled wan unofficial.—E. Spectator.]