13 MARCH 1971, Page 25

Waugh bile

Sir: Auberon Waugh, your fiction reviewer—if that is the word—is a regular chip off the old shoulder. Your issue of 27 February finds him on the one hand complaining of Your blue pencil and on the other offering as- part of his review of a novel the bilious little comment The book is dedicated to "Joan Drogheda", so I must be careful (or her husband will send Joe Rogaly or some such, to insult me in his miserable, boring newspaper).' How does this, in any way, increase our knowledge and appreciation of the book under review?

One realises, of course, that some novelists may need to eke out the royalties from their modest sales by reviewing the works of others, but Mr Waugh should really take lessons.

Desmond Elliott

15 Duke Street, St James's, London swl